Bird Flu: The “Next Pandemic” is right on schedule
Kit Knightly

We haven’t published anything about bird flu since June. There hasn’t been much to say. Nevertheless, I still regularly comb through journals and news sites, ensuring we don’t miss anything potentially important.
During one such search yesterday evening I found this article in the journal Science, its title asking simply:
Why hasn’t the bird flu pandemic started?
…and, you know what, that’s a good question. Why hasn’t the bird flu pandemic started?
Not literally, of course. The bird flu “pandemic” won’t ever really start. If or when it is declared it will be a lie, just like Covid.
The question is why haven’t they started the big roll out yet?
That is obviously the plan after all.
The establishment has been signposting “the next pandemic” since before Covid sidled off the world stage. “Pandemic preparedness” has been a buzz phrase at all the intergovernmental panels and UN summits for at least two years. All the indications were that bird flu was the anointed successor.
But it’s all come to nothing so far.
Bird flu hasn’t become “the next pandemic”, it hasn’t become really anything at all, it’s barely even grazed the major news cycle.
Instead, the story has been stuck in a strange holding pattern, circling around with dire warnings of imminent danger, only to swoop away from the runway before its wheels touch down.
A pot that never boils despite the fact nobody’s really watching.
Why hasn’t the bird flu pandemic happened yet? What are they waiting for?
Well, Donald Trump, apparently, amongst other things.
That’s isn’t speculation, it’s definite messaging. It looks as if some sort of narrative about Trump failing to do enough, or the right things to handle the “crisis” might be in the offing.
Earlier today, MSNBC ran the headline:
Why the threat of bird flu makes Trump’s transition problematic – Could an unqualified public health leadership team deal with a new pandemic?
Mother Jones thinks “Avian Flu Could Define Trump’s Second Presidency”, the Nation asks simply “Will There Be a Bird Flu Epidemic Under Trump?”, AXIOS claims Trump’s potential bird flu response “raises alarms”.
NOTUS is already explaining why Trump’s planned mass deportations will make bird flu worse.
On November 26th, a guest article in the New York Times headlined “I Ran Operation Warp Speed. I’m Concerned About Bird Flu”, which opens:
As Donald Trump gets ready to return to the White House on Jan. 20, he must be prepared to tackle one issue immediately: the possibility that the spreading avian flu might mutate to enable human-to-human transmission.
Hmmm… so why must Trump be prepared to tackle bird flu “immediately” when they admit it has been hovering around being essentially harmless for two years already? Are they perchance conditioning us for what they already know they have planned?
Beyond Trump, the bird flu narrative has been migrating to the front pages in the weeks since the election (just in time to drive up the price of Thanksgiving and Christmas turkeys too – every little helps in the drive to impoverish and immiserate the 99%).
On November 25th, New York magazine was warning us about the USA’s “alarming bird flu strategy”.
The next day, the Independent reported:
Experts say bird flu is more widespread than we think: ‘We are in a soup of virus’
The New Scientist says “H5N1 bird flu is closer to gaining pandemic potential than we thought”, Scientific American that “Bird Flu Virus Is One Mutation Away from Binding More Efficiently to Human Cells”.
These are both stories from the last 24 hours.
Earlier today, TIME published a long piece headlined:
It’s Time to End the Denial About Bird Flu
There are other developments to – some potentially a lot more meaningful than your run-of-the-mill fear porn.
On November 19th, a child in Canada reportedly tested positive for bird flu without coming into contact with birds or animals. The next day, the same exact thing was reported in California.
These “cases” allegedly indicate “the virus is showing signs of adaptation to human hosts”. A Dutch study done on ferrets and published three days ago, claims the latest variant of bird flu shows increased aerial transmissibility.
Just today, the US government ordered that – going forward – all milk has to be screened for bird flu before being pasteurized.
We’re being told about new test kits too, a breakthrough that can distinguish flu strains in just 3 hours.
The European Union has announced they will be “increasing monitoring” for bird flu going forward. Euractiv reports “Europe increases bird flu monitoring – is it the next Disease X?”
Chinese experts are warning that another strain – H2N2 rather than H5N1 – may have already jumped to humans. The Chinese government is reportedly planning to increase testing and surveillance.
In the UK, the Cambridge University journal Infection Control & Hospital Epidemiology published new recommendations for the potential containment of avian influenza in “healthcare settings”.
And of course there’s the vaccines, let’s not forget those. Keir Starmer’s government just signed a supply contract for five million doses. Very odd for a country without a single case so far.
Again, all those stories are from the last 2 or 3 days, and they hit some major talking points. Transmissibility, tests, adapting to humans, containment measures for hospitals, “increased monitoring”, buying up vaccines…these are major red flags.
This is exactly in line with our predictions for the next pandemic made back in April:
When will the “next pandemic” happen? Probably not until the winter, I would guess January 2025 at the earliest, for two reasons:
- They need it to be flu season so they can co-opt normal seasonal deaths into their “pandemic” narrative.
- I think they’ll want to wait until after the “big election year” is over so there are fresh governments in place.
Is that why the bird flu pandemic “hasn’t happened yet”? Were they waiting to get other pieces in the right places on the board?
Maybe 2025 is the year it all comes together.
Bird flu has been useful for driving up the cost of food, campaigning against organic farms, further impoverishing farmers and demonising raw milk, but it was meant for bigger things.
After Donald Trump takes office, don’t be surprised of Bird Flu is finally allowed to spread its wings and fly.
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Turkey is now unpopular for Christmas.
Pfizer Failed To Report Two Deaths during COVID Vaccine Trials
Maybe this time they’ll “forget” again…?
I think they can do a lot of damage killing off livestock and chickens for the bird flu. They don’t need public cooperation for that.
I think it’s risky for them.
When only 15% of people will take the new vaccine/bioweapon, what will they do?
Ramp up the fear.
Pestilence whether man made or natural would make an upsurge in these last days:
Luke 21:10-11 Then said he unto them, Nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom; (11) and there shall be great earthquakes, and in divers places famines and pestilences; and there shall be terrors and great signs from heaven.
There are many reasons the Greek word “pharmakeia” is translated “sorcery” in the book of Revelation!:
Great article. Reminds me a little of the West Nile scare when Audubon birding groups were freaking out that all crows and crow allies were threaten with extinction. Audubon never mentioned a word about the potential effect on the elderly. Now the UN will take care of the elderly with mRNA technology based injections and PCR tests. Thankfully, there will be plenty of tests on hand so that this one does not get away from us. Event 201.2 participants are improving the plan based on the failures of Event 201. Mis and dis information need to be eradicated before the official announcement of the next scamdemic. They are working on mis and dis at Davos. Obama will, undoubtedly, go public again with reference to his pandemic playbook that Trump ignored in his first presidency. All Trump needs to do is sit back and relax while the UN and Obama work it with a couple treaties. Going to be interesting.
According to shock doc Peter Hotez, the bird flu pandemic (his word) is arriving on 21st January when he also said “we’ve got lots of new viruses starting January 21st.” He actually stated that date in a recent interview on MSNB. What amazing foresight!
Maybe prophetic.
< don’t be surprised of Bird Flu is finally allowed to spread its wings and fly.>
Thanks for the warning, Kit.
Prepared to do my little bit to clip some feathers off its wings.
Virology is fraud
Virology is a science. Most of politics is fraud.
Last week the authorities just killed 80 000 chickens here in New Zealand. They probably used the PCR test to find it….lol !!
Reminds me of the recent article in OffG, How Fascism came to New Zealand
“First they came for the chickens…”
It is interesting how time seems to move slower when you are actually experiencing its passage than it does when reminiscing.
It seems obvious to me we have been in a holding pattern with most “agenda” moves for about six months…and its continued march was not meant to resume directly after the election, but rather after the inauguration. Biden is still technically in office (as if he ever was), so why would the agenda want to waste the new pandemic on him?
Biden is just finishing off “his phase” of contempt by pardoning Hunter (and himself) and tossing a “f you” stink bomb into Russia.
Let’s wait for the reign of the new Caesar before bringing on the birds…
A journalist friend of mine told me 30 years ago that when they were short of news stories they would put a bird flu scare on the front page because it was always around in some minor cold-like way (a bit like covid) and is always useful when the aim (as it often is) is to scare the shit out of the compliance-trainees. I quit the compliance training course 23 years ago.
Why exactly would anyone think something like this when NO VIRUS has ever been found in the tissue of any living organism, literally ever? I repeat: Not a single case of this exists ever in history.
But sure, keep telling us about this nonsense boogeyman. Definitely don’t get “distracted” by the fact that you are arguing about what color an invisible unicorn is. And you people are calling us a Psyop? Don’t make me laugh.
Completely Avoidable Pandemic Whack-a-mole commence!
You can view it as hubris, reductionism or paranoia. The ultra-wealthy are literally insane, but no courtier dares to laugh at their demands for ever increasing security as well as exploitation of others.
Need to add this: The biosphere including everything living in it is drenched in microbes (besides the spores of larger organisms). Their variety and numbers are quite beyond easy comprehension.
On point as usual, Kit. The only thing I have to add is that this time, we must be even more wary than we were during last phase of the psy-op.
What do mean? Well, I think everyone (or most everyone) here will agree that if the elites actually try to hoax a plague into existence completely out of thin air just as they did the last time, they are finished. Too many people are on their guard for that work as well as it did then — and it seems that the last ‘plague’ wasn’t even as effective as the elites might have hoped.
So I think there’s at least a possibility this time around that they may throw us a little curve. After ginning up some hysteria over nothing just as they did last time, they may actually unleash a real plague this time around, perhaps by releasing something truly deadly from the chemical warfare arsenals of the Pentagon. That way, after we have all gone on record loudly proclaiming bird flu to be just another hoax, we will be discredited as reckless conspiracy theorists — or maybe even as ‘Russian agents’. Or, alternatively (for all of you no-virus people here), they might try up the death rate through some other means: by poisoning the air, water or food supply, or perhaps even by using electromagnetic weapons like 5G to trigger feelings of illness or panic among the general population. (Related question: Was the real purpose of the fake vaccine to inject EM receivers into people’s bloodstream for just such a psy-op? Possibly.) At any rate, we should be very careful this time about going out on limb until the data really start coming in.
Low-dose (diluted) sarin produces respiratory illness. A certain hegemon tested it a while ago in its sole underground urban train system.
Excellent keeping the radar on these monster’s ploys.
As someone here mentioned, they usually wait 8-10 years to deploy another crisis. So Qs why the rush? But if we look at the geometric expansion of crises since 911, I think the elite are in existential crisis internally and obviously just don’t care how many bad things happen externally as long they can turn one or more into an opportunity. Concurrent revelations threaten their public trust. Research, articles and declarations of fraud regarding the LOCKDOWN; obvious NATO provoked Ukraine war; 75 years of obvious of Palestinian genocide; Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, Iran+++ US war empire provoking war worldwide 24/7; 2008 “great recession” and 16 years ongoing Wall Street Bankster FED hose up to the rich; massive wealth disparity and homelessness; choiceless duopoly idiot “elections”; permanent flywheeling recession since 2001; and more. They need to cover their asses. They need as many catastrophe diversions as possible to cherry pick from and escalate as they determine needed. And they have a 10% management class willing to take orders and order policed LOCKDOWNs on Humanity as needed.
It’s up to us to ring the bells and preemptively thwart their doom porn to FAKE but damaging catastrophe cover paradigm, saying NO FKING WAY!!! Never again. [I am surprised at the intransigent brain cells of the Liberal class. If you can bear it, watch a show or two of the 10am morning ABC show, “The View” with Whoopie and 5 other female liberals. They are a mirror of their previous condemned conservative “conspiracy theorists” and don’t see themselves in the mirror at all. This behavior used to be called “in denial”.]
The totality of the above is a 1% Room Full of Mirrors that we need to see our way out of. OMGHU.
Part of the RFoMs world they’ve created, but is now as transparent as it can get to anyone researching true conditions, is what’s happening in Argentina with the Milei gov’t which is openly and optimistically called “shock therapy” by 1% msm. Countries like Argentina are 1% economic experiments on trapped populations to see what they can get away with. Hailing shock therapy, for instance below cutting meds access for the elderly after cutting wages and public programs, hearkens back to how Hitler was praised by Western leaders, before WW2, for turning around Western reparations-destroyed-Germany with a vicious Nazi shock therapy. After Klein’s “Shock Doctrine” pointed out clearly this evil capitalist operating procedure, wtf does it take for commoners to finally react to a non-stop SHOCK THERAPY elite, and stop these Haoles???
The articles below are the tip o’ the iceberg of examples where the 1% clearly promote, execute and hail, thrashing people into deep poverty to make their Free Market Casino screwing along.
Argentina has been under shock therapy for 2-3 decades. Its original sin may have been rebelling against the blood-sucking of global finance approved by WB and IMF. Peron or a later leader said repayments to the scammers would have to wait.
Should do a poll.
whats the betting on…?
Cyber attack another
fakevirus.Cyber attack.
Admins. I just got a red warning that i had already up voted a post when i did not. In fact I never tried to up vote anything at all, yet.
I don’t get the warning, but I see a green ‘thumbs up’ in some posts, although I haven’t upvoted them,
Has Admin fixed that Edit button yet?
Public health policy has been hijacked and harnessed to global markets. Instead of serving those at risk of sickness and death, these policies of financialization are constructed to benefit investors.
Manufactured pandemics create new investment products that increase the holdings of billionaires and further concentrate their wealth. Emergency funding from government and public health institutions are created for “COVID” purposes (health emergency du jour) in order to create a financial product that transfers wealth from society to shareholders.
Medicine is increasingly that financial product. All of the politicians that are “deciding” these things are spokespeople for these investors.
The pandemic preparedness racketeering schemes will be used to justify the continuation and expansion of the “need” to create financial instruments for the investor class.
Covid™ was never an epidemiological event it was and is a business model meant to increase the portfolio’s of the super- wealthy.
The Covid Operation is a clear example of how the mafia operates. Complete coercion and only letting the boot off your neck once you comply with “The Deal” which is in this case taking and paying for the injection of their profitable poisons.
We must keep repeating this. It was a crime, systematic mass murder and genocide committed on the weak and vulnerable. Euthanasia used by today’s well dressed fascists where the weak and vulnerable were exterminated under the guise of attempting to help them.
It was the crime of purposeful medical malpractice (aided by “COVID” total immunity from law) in hospitals and nursing homes where falsely and preordained diagnoses (with phony PCR “results”) of “COVID” patients were subjected to deadly untested, unproven and unapproved medical protocols, brutal isolation and neglect and drug regimes while treatment for underlying pre-existing conditions critical to saving lives was denied.
This crime created massive financial windfalls in both the short and long term- the immediate gains from redirecting public monies into the investor-owned hospital consortia (think trillion$), massive ongoing bailouts for the TBTF banksters (think trillion$) and the long term gains of wiping out pensioners and the disabled thus saving on unfunded liabilities (think trillion$) and the creation of an entirely new medical blockbuster mRNA model of “disease treatment” (think trillion$) plus an entirely new war machine industry called “pandemic preparedness” (think trillion$).
There will be claims that the PCR test has been altered for whatever new threat. This is no different from the claim that yet another jab is necessary because it is a booster, multi-valent, or whatever.
With all the deaths, disabilities and destitution at the level of a war, many victims will fail to transfer their property as they wish to. No matter: the state will step in to suck it all up. Big business will join the feeding frenzy for unpaid bills.
Here in the good ol USA, the USDA will be test all raw milk for bird flu.
Today, the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) announced the start of its National Milk Testing Strategy (NMTS), which builds on measures taken by USDA and federal and state partners since highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) H5N1 in dairy cattle was first detected in March 2024. Access the USDA press release announcing the National Milk Testing Strategy.
It does not matter if pasteurisation elimitates the pathogen. The milk is evil and must be destroyed – I mean poured into the drain.
Thank you for the article. dare I say that your observations make good sense, as per usual. My two little neurons are suggesting that these pricks are waitng their moment to relase something quite nasty and consequential. I keep replaying that mischievous smirk of Bill Gates in a televised interview. He appeared to be obviously telegraphing that “the next pandemic’ is going to be a lot more serious, or words to that effect. So, as we, the peeps of the world haven’t locked the twat up for all his previous egregious nonsense, where in many cases on the Indian and African continents – it actually involved the deaths of many, he is still as free-as-a-bird to indulge in whatever shenanigans that he and his devilish swamp=creatures want do.
Actually, Billy stays away from many “developing” countries where he had bestowed his jabs. This includes parts of Africa, S. America and India.
The Mother Jones piece is a theatrical trailer. Yes indeed – Trump is our Evil Right Wing Nut Who Doesn’t Understand The Threat We All Face! I look forward to a rerun of one of 2020’s comedy highlights: That Boris Johnson was “dragged kicking and screaming into lockdown”! That still tickles me and is almost as much of a thigh slapper as the one about “wildcat strikes” across Europe forcing lockdown on demoralised powerless governments!
But the comedy circuit has a new belter:
“I Ran Operation Warp Speed. I’m Concerned About Bird Flu”
Which translates as
“I Ran Operation Shovel The Shit At Maximum Speed. I’m Concerned About Not Being Able To Scam It Again!”
They normally wait at least 10 years before repeating a scam. That is how long it takes for most of the bird brain population to forget just how much they were lied to last time. If the las scam was a big one then they wait a bit longer. WW1 ended in 1918 and ww2 started in 1939 so they waited 21 years for people to forget what a lie WW1 was. Banking crashes as part of the boom and bust cycle have continued om and 8 to 10 year cycle.
Covid was a big scam so they will have to wait longer before they repeat that trick.
But they can keep threatening a possible pandemic. Meanwhile the climate scam can keep rolling on along with the possible wars along with the new laws to frighten us about putting our thought on line. “Bob Dylan It’s Alright, Ma (I’m Only Bleeding): And if my thought-dreams could be seen, They’d probably put my head in a guillotine”
“Why hasn’t the bird flu pandemic started?”
Because it’s waiting for the inevitable financial emergency, and needs to be kept bubbling away on the back burner.
Probably not this winter.
There were many aspects of COVID-19, and there will be many regarding bird flu.
One aspect will be control of food as hens are a source of meat and eggs. Control will be high on the agenda.
That is why here in GB all birds i.e., even 1 must now be registered. To register anything is to give ownership and control away over the ‘thing’, you register.
Before you register your child, car, home, land, business, bank account, hens etc. You must demand full disclosure. If not you get what you deserve
Yup. Don’t forget more new vaccines $$$(probably mRNA). And the scare factor (zoonotic virus, highly contagious and pathogenic, etc.).
The way to foil their chicken registration plans is for people who don’t have chickens to register large personal flocks. Then their registration list will be meaningless.
They are trying that here in the US too. Last year, I got a special, off-year “census” questionnaire that asked about my animals. It’s a “federal crime” not to answer the census. I did not answer the census.
Look, if you all want a ‘bird flu pandemic’, then let these criminal liars who ‘organised Operation Warp Speed’ to be allowed to continue to lie without consequences.
They should be made to state that the price of any lying they engage in is the death of their children and grandchildren, along with being hung on prime time TV/internet streams.
If these people on the top of the pile actually cared for their children and grandchildren they wouldn’t be living the lives they lead…
Bird flu, by design:
‘The question isn’t whether power conspires – it’s why we’re so resistant to seeing it. What comfort do we find in believing in accidents? What fear do we harbor of seeing design?’
More here:
Everyone is ‘after the main chance’: the power structures will ensure that those who are not compliant don’t get promotions,l get marginalised, sidelined.
Of course, the way to avoid that is to ‘decorporatise’ – break up these big organisations that create the power structures necessary to control and coerce.
If you returned normal financial lending to the level of small towns (where cashed up pensioners provided the capital to lend to those wishing to start a new business/a family etc), you could rid vast swathes of the world from corporate brainwashing.
It’s not yet official, but there’s reports a Pandemic is due to start on 21 January,
the day after Trump becomes Top Dog… Trump will pride himself for launching
Warp Speed #2, and bobby junior will have to play along – if he wants to keep
his job , trying to influence whatever he thinks he can influence…
There’s been an outbreak of a “mysterious” “lethal” “disease” in a deep. dank.
dark and steamy part of Africa… Move over ‘bird flu’, you’re about to be upstaged !!
Well, given the UK economy is going down the gurgler, the Australian economy is
‘unofficially’ in recession, the USA needs another Big War to help with its ‘economic
recovery’ and Israel is trying to provoke WW3 (so Bibi doesnt go to prison), it’s
time to…………. “RELEASE THE VIRUS !!”
This above link is from the Ministry of Headless Chickens. Foul play is not suspected…
Could be fowl play though.
This goes against the OmG party line that Trump is a closet Deep Zionist State actor.
Those damn J*ws make everyone off balance, even us despairing white middle class academics, looking for a solid scapegoat.
No mention of project 2025.
Good old NZ. We have apparently got an outbreak at a poultry farm just North of us here in Otago. I was listening to RCR interview Dr. Mark Bailey. There is talk of 80,000 hens being euthanised (that’s 2 huts worth). 40,000 hens per hut and they call these eggs “Free Range”. No hen is safe until every hen is safe. One wonders if there is an element of getting us used to the prospect of culling Humans – just in case they might have the dread disease. In the next post, I shall try and include a link….
The local supermarkets recently re-branded their cheaper eggs as “cage free”…
“Cage free” does not mean “free range”… They eggs are still produced by hens
crowded in big barns – but at least they’re “cage free”… (And the price was increased
after the re=branding)…
Not kidding – yesterday I bought a dozen “cage free” eggs, and walked to the register thinking “Right. They’re not in cages, per se, they’re in pens. Squished together in big horrible pens”. Don’t kid yourself while you’re eating your omelette.”
I will confess to purchasing “cage free” as opposed to “Organic, free-range, antibiotic/hormone free” because of the cost. Occasionally I’ll treat myself to the purebloods, but economics quite often wins out in the end.
Australia’s East Island need to smarten up their act 😝
Good to hear Mark Bailey on RCR. BTW, that chicken cull number has already doubled. NZ is a loser state of the 5 eyes network.
25% of the population cannot wait for another jab.
25% won’t take this one either.
The other 50% (many now deceased from the last) know something stange happened last time but still refuse to countenance they were duped…
Yes, an excellent remark, I think! But I’m quite disillusioned by now – the 50% “feeling somewhat uneasy” will rather go along with the next “Pandemic” than question the last one …
Because it won’t continue until 2025 with a virus terror the world has never seen before..
“THE SPARS PANDEMIC 2025 – 2028 A Futuristic Scenario for Public Health Risk Communicators” –
Bird Flu Hoax now underway (PSYOPS repeated) | 7G Havana Syndrome rebranded as: COVID, Omnicom, Monkey Pox, M-Pox & Bird Flu.
The Amish voted for Trump because Biden jailed an Amishman for selling raw milk.
Was he actually jailed? I don’t think so.
He had to stop his production, except ironically, “out of state” sales.
Robert Barnes is his attorney and reported on this case which is taking place in Pennsylvania extensively.
Amos Miller had sold raw dairy, meat, and other all natural products for 20 years.
He never had one safety complaint. His customers love him.
The Pennsylvania Agricultural Commission came down on him.
It was crazy.
Barnes has assisted with fundraisers for Miller, and has been very vocal about what he considers unabashed corruption.
I dont’ have links but if interested you could find out more about it and Barnes on his “1776” site.
unabashed corruption
Farmers and their personal customers deciding deciding what is safe for themselves. Next thing you know, they will be demanding that the government stay out of more of their food, and instead impose more larger print and less waffle on labels instead. That would be anarchy, communism or whatever.
‘ The question is why haven’t they started the big roll out yet?’
It would be too long obvious. Therefore bird flu is used as a teaser. It will not pan out, but it will stay on the menu, as if you are watching a new episode of road runner.
Meep meep.
Scrapping through the bottom of the bin to find a bit of old stale crap then talking about it then making a article about some theory about the old stale crap because you got nothing to write about.
Bird Flu IS the next “thing”.
Or should we not talk about “conspiracy theories”?
The bird flu narrative still seems like an ongoing fishing expedition. To gauge public reaction through comments to articles in MSM and anti-social media.
Climate related armageddon is just not working, so different angles such as the ‘dangers’ of wood burning stoves causing cancer and air pollution are being pushed. Two articles in less than 24 hours at the Fail. Judging by the reader comments, that too is being laughed out of town.
I wonder if they can shoehorn bird flu into the climate con narrative?
1) Price of wood goes up.
2) All wood burning stoves must now have digital IDs.
3) Trump will make wood burning stove cancer worse.
After the Boston Marathon bombing, pressure cookers were considered dangerous. They certainly save fuel.
Seems to be a ‘Jewish pandemic’ at BlackRock:
‘Who runs BlackRock?
Chairman and CEO, Larry Fink (Jewish)
President, Robert Kapito (Jewish)
Chief Operating Officer, Rob L. Goldstein (Jewish)
Chief Risk Officer, Ben Golub (Jewish)
Chief Financial Officer, Gary Shedlin (Jewish)
Global Head of Technology & Operations, Derek Stein (Jewish)
Head of International and Corporate Stategy, Mark K. Wiedman (Jewish)
Global Head of Active Equities, Mark D. Wiseman (Jewish)‘
Cosy, ain’t it?
Vultures of a feather sup together, and no doubt, Trump will dine with them.
Diversity in action. 1% of the world’s population and 95% of the money
Dunno about 95%, but they certainly own far, far more than their cosmic share.
I am Jewish. I was raised Middle Class; part of a spectrum-y family with a genius for Maths and Sciences and…not much else at all.
We are not all evil…I’m fairly certain that by those whoa re currently in charge, Jewish or not, we are considered “Useless Eaters”. 🙁
Another sign to look out for is a ceasefire in the Ukraine. The vaccine passports & forced jabbing ended as soon that war started, in February 2022. They might prefer a bit of calm to coordinate better on the next one.
Evil, pure undiluted evil, is like cancer. It creeps up on you.
The suited psychos know exactly how to feed, foment and fan the flames of fear. They’ve been doing it for a long, long time.
Fuck them and the big fat gravy train they rode in on.
Another interesting piece of the puzzle is the release 2 days ago of the U.S. Congressional Committee on Oversight and Accountability’s TWO YEAR report on what they’re calling “The single most thorough review of the pandemic conducted to date.” It was a bipartisan committee with 24 republicans and 20 democrats. It is stating that the study, which is 500 pages, “will serve as a road map for Congress, the Executive Branch, and the private sector to prepare for and respond to future pandemics.”
This is pretty big actually relative to reading the tea leaves and anticipating what comes next and how. First off, they flat out say that we WILL have future pandemics, matter of fact, no discussion allowed, it’s going to happen just as the sun will come up tomorrow. Not just one, but more than one.
They also unequivocally state that there was and is a Covid-19 virus that kills people and that it “most likely emerged from a laboratory in Wuhan, China.”
They also seem to lambast almost everyone for the response, criticize the lockdowns, mask and social distancing orders, vaccine mandates, ignoring and dissing natural immunity, misinformation from the government, even gain of function and a host of other things. I haven’t gone thru the whole report.
But they praise Trump and criticize Biden:
“President Trump’s rapidly implemented travel restrictions saved lives.”
And documented this as no doubt:
“President-elect Trump’s Operation Warp Speed — which encouraged the rapid development and authorization of the COVID-19 vaccine — was highly successful and helped save millions of lives.”
From just my initial viewing, there are supremo contradictions, like:
RUSHED COVID-19 VACCINE APPROVAL: The FDA rushed approval of the COVID-19 vaccine in order to meet the Biden Administration’s arbitrary mandate timeline. Two leading FDA scientists warned their colleagues about the dangers of rushing the vaccine approval process and the likelihood of adverse events. They were ignored, and days later, the Biden Administration mandated the vaccine.
So why would Trump be lauded because he “encouraged the rapid development and authorization of the COVID-19 vaccine” that “was highly successful and helped save millions of lives.”, but Biden is criticized because “the FDA rushed approval of the COVID-19.”?
Overall, the report seems to paint Trump as capable of responding very well, as he supposedly did the first time, does its job to document that there really is a Covid-19 virus that kills people, but warns that we need to learn from the response so we do it better next time.
Sounds like right up Trump and RFK’s alley.
FINAL REPORT: COVID Select Concludes 2-Year Investigation, Issues 500+ Page Final Report on Lessons Learned and the Path Forward – United States House Committee on Oversight and Accountability
And the planned timeline is also shown in the timing of a whole new generation of mRNA factories, massively expanding output.
A factory just opened in Melbourne, Australia, capable of producing 100 million mRNA “vaccines” a year.
In the UK, the Moderna mRNA Innovation and Technology Centre (MITC) is due to open in 2025.
BioNTech aims to start production at its mRNA vaccine factory site in Rwanda in 2025.
In Canada, a Moderna facility in Laval, Quebec, is finished, and scheduled to begin producing mRNA vaccines in 2025.
There are others as well.
They don’t build factories like that without some assurance of an economic windfall.
Turns out that cow/bird – flu H5N1 needs only a single mutation to be human transmissible. Just to be sure that “terrorists” know about that, let’s publish it:
“December 05, 2024Scripps Research scientists identify mutation that could facilitate H5N1 “bird flu” virus infection and potential transmission in humans” —
“Peter Hotez has been whining that pandemics are on their way, and this paper certainly makes a human bird flu outbreak much more likely.” — Dr. Meryl Nass
There is also a notable synchronization the elections, to finish them before the next ‘pandemic’.
This is done to maintain the fiction of democracy while the real government can go about forcing through their “pandemic countermeasures”. Popular resistance will then get deflected with waiting for the next election many years in the future.
*US change of president in January 2025
*Germany with an election on 23 February, 2025, on a flimsy pretext.
*The Tories handing over power to Starmer in July 2024 in what looks like a prearranged manner.
*A possible French election.after the collapse of Michel Barnier’s government.
Pharma-Ho-tez is warning of massive plagues when Trump takes office:
He should be arrested now – he’s obviously involved
Please, think BIGGER!!
Found a dead Little Auk the other day.
Those guys, respect is due, hard as nails (nails, they take a hammering)
Blown of course, starving.
Not magnetic fallout
From the North, who has been there
I mean not controlled bods
Same in southlands
Who has been there
not controlled
got to be around and about
to see
rapid fire downvoter, he no like.
Certainly, don’t look a last, yesterday, blog forum main stage, there is a killer vid
Are you the new Tony, or are you eating/drinking/smoking the same stuff he does?
Now, now, Johnny.
Because of Tony, now I check the name of the comment before I read the comment
Maybe the new Samuel Beckett?
Stream of (un)consciousness?
Thanks, that’s right.
‘Fight, fight, fight’ !
(Beckett dad in ‘Dance First’ (2023)).